Where To Find Your First Customers

So, you had this great business idea, you set up your business, you opened your doors (virtual or otherwise) and….. Tumbleweed! What? Did you expect people to flood through your doors? To just miraculously stumble across you? It's often challenging figuring out where to find those elusive first customers once you're ready to roll. Here's where I started....

Family & Friends

These won't be your target client but they will be super keen to support you. They can do this by supporting you on social media (like, share, comment). It's amazing the extra reach you can get. Talk to them about what you're doing, who you're ideal client is and ask them to spread the word and recommend where possible.

Old Clients

Be mindful of legalities around restraint of trade etc and work within your own ethics. A lot of my first clients were ones I had worked with before but I was way out of my restraint of trade and most had moved on from my old firm.


This can be easily overdone and you'll easily blow your marketing budget on coffees but strategic networking is great if you are outcome focused...not just popping out for a chat and a coffee.


Offer a couple of freebies in exchange for testimonials. This will also build your confidence and create the start of your fan base

Strategic Alliances

Often called Centre of Influence (COI). Look at other service providers who target a similar client with different services. Agree terms on building a relationship of trust, meet regularly and refer clients to each other (as long as they are the right fit!)

Still not sure where to start? We can help you take those first steps and ensure your business reaches its true potential. Get in touch!